Hi, my name is Ray from Leading Building & Pest Inspections Edinburgh. I offer honest, extensive pre-purchase inspections to give you peace of mind in possibly the most important decision of your life.


We offer prompt, reliable customer service. I have lived in the area for most of my life and have an extensive background in the building and pest industries.


Leading Building & Pest Inspections Edinburgh offers you a wide range of services

  • Pre-purchase building reports
  • Pre-purchase timber pest inspections
  • Rental property condition reports
  • Investment property tax depreciation schedule
  • Swimming pool safety fence inspections
  • Asbestos inspections
  • Dilapidation reports


Leading Building & Pest Inspections Edinburgh is available to service Paralowie, Salisbury North, Edinburgh, Penfield and Virginia.

With any new building inspections I am offering half price timber pest inspection until the end of September.


I have had over 10 years’ experience in the building and pest control industries and lived in the area for 50 years. I am passionate about providing professional, honest and reliable reports. I am very punctual

tax depriciation schedule